FODEI disburses #960,000 Non-Interest and Non-qualateral Loan to Ona-Ara Indigenes for business.

FODEI is a Non-governmental Organization with the sole aim of helping and empowering the people of Ona-Ara Local Government in all ramifications of life.

In the bid of helping people, FODEI disburses a non qualateral and non interest loan to thirteen people (13) today(31st Oct., 2020) at her head office in Ona-Ara and a total amount of #960,000 were disbursed to these said people. 8 of the beneficiaries are Women, 5 are Men. From the beneficiaries 1Male and 1Female are people living with disabilities.

The beneficiaries expressed their satisfaction in the loan especially that repayment does not accur any interest. They beat the drum of praise for Engr. Funmi Obisesan.

The beneficiaries were given the money based on the amount they applied for to start a SME and for some to expand their SME business into a MSE.

In attendance at the program were the following: Alakanran of Akanran HRH Oba James Obisesan as the royal father of the day; Chief Kamorudeen Obisesan A respected elder state man and 2 time Chairman Chaired the loan presentation also present were the entire council of chiefs of Akanran land. The Chairman Association of the People Living with Disabilities Ona-Ara branch and the Chairman of the Ona-Ara vigilante Alh Olasupo. The ZLP chairman of Ona-Ara Hon Okunola and other dignitaries.

In her opening remark, the Chairperson of FODEI, Engr Funmi Obisesan made it known that by God’s grace she won’t limit the operation of FODEI only to loans or to older people.

She promised to engage the Youths and Students of Ona-Ara Local Government in FODEI PROGRAM, out of which an essay competition for Ona-Ara Students & interest free loan empowerment exclusively for the unemployed graduates indigenes of Ona-Ara to support their entrepreneurial ideas in becoming a reality as part of her passion towards the reduction of youth unemploynents, will be coming up soon.

On the final note, she made it known that FODEI shall be in support of any educative and entertaining programmes for Ona-Ara people and Ibadan at large.

Ona-Ara ti wa nise, ko gbodo baje!!!

FODEI disburses Money to Ona-Ara Indigenes for business.

FODEI disburses Money to Ona-Ara Indigenes for business.

FODEI is a Non-governmental Organization with the sole aim of helping and empowering the people of Ona-Ara Local Government in all ramifications of life.

In the bid of helping people, FODEI disburses a non qualateral and non interest loan to thirteen people (13) today(31st Oct., 2020) at her head office in Ona-Ara and a total amount of #960,000 were disbursed to these said people. 8 of the beneficiaries are Women, 5 are Men. From the beneficiaries 1Male and 1Female are people living with disabilities.

The beneficiaries expressed their satisfaction in the loan especially that repayment does not accur any interest. They beat the drum of praise for Engr. Funmi Obisesan.

The beneficiaries were given the money based on the amount they applied for to start a SME and for some to expand their SME business into a MSE.

In attendance at the program were the following: Alakanran of Akanran HRH Oba James Obisesan as the royal father of the day; Chief Kamorudeen Obisesan A respected elder state man and 2 time Chairman Chaired the loan presentation also present were the entire council of chiefs of Akanran land. The Chairman Association of the People Living with Disabilities Ona-Ara branch and the Chairman of the Ona-Ara vigilante Alh Olasupo. The ZLP chairman of Ona-Ara Hon Okunola and other dignitaries.

In her opening remark, the Chairperson of FODEI, Engr Funmi Obisesan made it known that by God’s grace she won’t limit the operation of FODEI only to loans or to older people.

She promised to engage the Youths and Students of Ona-Ara Local Government in FODEI PROGRAM, out of which an essay competition for Ona-Ara Students & interest free loan empowerment exclusively for the unemployed graduates indigenes of Ona-Ara to support their entrepreneurial ideas in becoming a reality as part of her passion towards the reduction of youth unemploynents, will be coming up soon.

On the final note, she made it known that FODEI shall be in support of any educative and entertaining programmes for Ona-Ara people and Ibadan at large.

Ona-Ara ti wa nise, ko gbodo baje!!!


The leadership of NASELS Southwest region under Comr. AbdulAzeez AbdulMaleek, felicitates with Professor Akinwvande Oluwole Soyinka as he marks his 86th birthday.

Wole Soyinka is a Nigerian playwright, critic, teacher, thinker, author, actor, political activist, art collector, poet, essayist, grammarian, humorist, reservoir of knowledge, and a Nobel Laureate.

He is among the contemporary Africa’s greatest writers, and is also one of the continent’s most imaginative advocates of native culture and of the humane social order it embodies. Wole Soyinka, being distinctive, writes in English, but his works are rooted in his native Nigeria and the Yoruba culture, with its legends, tales, and traditions. His writing also includes influences from Western traditions – from classical tragedies to modernist drama.

We, as students of the English language, eulogise and extol his works, values and antecedents, as he is an inspiration to us, the up-and-coming literary scholars.

We pray he continue to live in wisdom, knowledge and intellect; and may his days be filled with more of success and achievements.

Happy Birthday, the Kongi, Professor Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka.

Adeyemi, Shukroh Feranmi,
Chief Press Secretary,
Office of the Regional Director.

Monday, July 13, 2020.

Ode to Ajimobi

The patent dark clouds hovering above our heads now fourty-five,
the skyline losses control to join,
The night stars shining far away fifty-five
Beneath this lands we have felt a gross loss
The eagle is gone
We mourn! Sixty.

The biggest star has
Dropped from the high sky.
The earth shook
As it spreads from ilu oluyole to the vast lands of my father land,
The blue ocean turns black
Wearing a mournful face;
And all helmsmen, cry out;
Akanji has travelled to no Man’s land,
Poseidon cries for knowing nothing
About the death. Sixty-five

The eagle sees all in this vast lands,
Helping the needy and flying high above big opposing storms
On the twenty-fifth largest floor,
Hoots it mournful tune, on the twenty-fifth
To announce the past of a Shepard,
One who uses a single stick
To control millions of heads,
Haba! the river overflown it bank.

The brightest sun shone over the lands, announce the departure of the hero
Akanji omo oluyole,
Your legend will be told in moonlight tales,
The dark night rises above us this time
The moon peeking through the cloud,
Neither the moon function
Nor the sun disappeared, a mixed reaction, ibadan is thrown into chaos,
The moon went out but never return.

Curve, bend, sharp torn edges breaks the balance  the road of life,
Those laughing shall cry, imagine that
Those crying shall at least laugh once,
Life is time bond.

Sweet bitter, we shall all taste,
Look up and down, ask yourself
Who is the next?
Omo oluyole is gone,
The clouds are closed upon his departure the game of life has ended seventy!

Game over


AbdulAzeez, AbdulMaleek

The power of adaptation could be very indiscernible.

By an unsolicited but mandatory sojourn, necessitated as a result the troubled state of the road, – not so long ago, I routed by a community. At first, I had wholly thought and doubted people could live to survive in such locality.

We path miles and kilometers on a very narrow way, – forest, sounds of flying birds, a convocation of eagles, flock of goats, very few other domestic animals I could gazed from afar, and the sky that spread like canopy above, were our only companions. It was difficult to comprehend how liveable people find it at such environment.

After minutes of miraculous gaze, worries and wonder, we suddenly ran into a small community of people. From a physical judgement, they seem to have their own ‘unusual’ life, the one they are pleased with, in abundance. Kids were playing around in small groups, I could sight a clowder of cats catching soft fun, – normal day activities was going on. We must have intruded their ‘privacy’ and lifestyle, I thought, – as they all stared at us traverse within the minute.

Apparently, I still have some doubt and sceptism about everything.

I disagree with a different conviction of my mind. Later then, I got my consciousness. Of course my mind ran back through the reality of man’s natural tendency to adapt before any situation, eventuality or sort of life.

Yes. I was taught the basics of adaptation in Integrated Science as a characteristic of man during my Junior Secondary School earliest days. I was not, and still not a fan of Sciences, but it has not erode my mind that man was defined with such attribute. This fact has been tested and proven over the time. My recent experience did not left me more unconvinced.

Man have been adapting, conforming, and surviving.

My perceptive faculty drove me down to the historic realities of human beings, substantiated by proven scientific reviews and convictions. Even the archaic chronicles tested the accuracy and correctness about it. I have read about historical accounts of various kinds of people that lived decades and centuries back, the life they lived, and how they survived. Many seem unbelievable, but it’s true they survive.

Man is an entitled survivor. I am. You are. The style of living we are put through, that cut its edges, hammer in its broken pieces, frame its sculpture and design our own preferred system in it. Man have that prerogative, at will.

In most circumstances, we are just strong enough, never to lose, – and just weak enough, never to win. Man sustains his ordeals, and coils it.

In the past, some built a gallant face of absolute supremacy. Enough to wreck down the tallest walls that ever exist. They wanted to maintain their authority. They were brutal, oppressed a lot. They deployed their powers to torment; unleash storm, imprisoned the innocents, damaged businesses and dehumanised lives. They were so fierce, and unrepentant.

On a different equivalent, but with the same intensity and powerful potency, – some instituted a gallery of humanity, promoted a cause of love, friendliness and welcoming humility. They were placid. – At the two ends, a fraction of people survived. Lived afterwards. However, there were victims, but upheld generational continuity and survival.

In our journey of survival, it’s important to be organised, and ruthless. There are some piles. The stuffs we will like to keep. The one we might need later, and have it in storage. The stuffs we have to destroy, and the ones we don’t know what to do with it. Above all, to survive, we desire to be brilliantly decisive.

The events of life may be cloudy, unseen. Yet, we trust our instincts that we’re pathing the way to the survival end, that our struggles are worth it and justifiable on cause, that we are doing our best, – and that we will live and continue to live. Moment like that demand action, an effect to do the needed and necessary thing.

Often, we accommodate more people at our home, although we don’t have enough room. If relatives or non-residents show up (uninformed), we try to adapt. We might borrow mattresses from our neighbours to ensure their comfort. We don’t ask them to leave because we don’t have mattresses. We portray to conform and face the threat against the means. We adapt. We adjust. We survive.

Harmony. That’s a word that stuck in my mind. Harmony. It is not about what’s lasting or permanent. It’s about individual voices coming together, for a moment. And that moment lasts the length of a breath, – to survive all of us.

Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all fall asleep, but we will all be changed in an instant, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound and the gone will be back and raised, – and we shall survive.

I’ve learned a great deal through my personal struggles. I’ve learned how to harness the opportunities before me, my strength and my resolve, make them work for me to survive the challenging hours of life. It will not be smooth, but it’s surviving.

I won’t lose sight on a scale of larger mission. I won’t lose my train of thoughts. I understand staying focused requires strength, and there is a morality clause in the contract, I’ll maintain it. I will survive. You will, too.

A worthy two decades, with quadrangle, – in a lone world, at the same time, with loving companionship. The entitled survivor.

Sunday, 7th of June, 2020.

Ona-Ara Deserves Effective Representation: Akin Alabi, A Year In Office and our demand

Ona-Ara Deserves Effective Representation: Akin Alabi, A Year In Office and our demand.

In days to come, Hon. Akin Alabi of APC will celebrate a year in office as the Hon representing Ona Ara/Egbeda federal constituency. As such, I join numerous number of people in congratulating him.

It’s a year we the good people of Ona Ara gave him the privilege to represent us at the national assembly(lower chamber), What has he brought back to us ever since then?

Akin Alabi’s political experience, smartness and exposure can never be taken lightly. Having a smart personality representing us is not such a bad idea, is it?
Should we considering that his experience and exposure are what he is using to outsmart us?

The bitter truth is, Oloye (as many call him) has practically neglected Ona Ara but theoretically doing well.
We call for accessible representation.

It is so ludicrous seeing some people “hyping” Akin via Social media, On what basis? Oloye is a social media influencer, and any politician that is media influencer should be scared of.
We condemn media pecuniary or material gift.

Akin means business! Akin Alabi is reaching out almost everyday to his constituency but 98% of his updates are based on Egbeda, why excluding Ona Ara?
We demand equal representation.

Akin Alabi made it known via social media that he distributed 5000 palliative materials for his constituency sequel to the lock down. He who follows his time to time updates will understand Ona Ara was partially touched while distributing this said palliatives.
We call for fair treatment of our people

Our people are suffering!
Have you ever experienced the stress at the First and Access bank?
How on earth can we have an exposed human person like that of Akin as our representative and yet our people are still suffering cheaply? Akin is a youth, a lover of sport, yet, our youths know nothing about sport. What has been his contributions to sports?
We demand for modern development

Do we need to expose ourselves that Ona-Ara where Akin represents find it so difficult to have a standard modern eatery? Doesn’t he has what it takes to facilitate that?
We call for new development

Where are Akin’s ambassadors?
It is so lovely seeing people of good repute as Akin Alabi ambassadors, Alh Abiola Olororo, Comr Tofeek and host of others. Can we say Alabi use our father’s against us? Yes, against us! If he doesn’t cause any calamity to Ona-Ara what about the undevelopement he kept mute on, They call on him on the best way to reach out to the people of Ona Ara during this trying time but they have been used and dumped has they got no response from him. aftermath, he is collecting constituency allowance. Now, where are his physical projects? I’m not sure those Ambassadors still have his direct link any longer.
We stand against use and dump

Executive are to build, are to construct. But, legislatures are to sponsor bills and facilitate projects.

What has Akin facilitated to Ona Ara? Where are the investors Akin Alabi brought to us?
We are looking forward to new and neat project

Akin Alabi is a well known business man and every constituency will dream of having him as their representative but is Ona Ara dreaming to have him once more?
We shall stand tall in supporting helping hands

If Akin Alabi is factual with what his media is speaking about egbeda, we can just assume he is bias!
We demand equal representation

A year isn’t early to address his lapses, it’s not to early to charge him to buckle up, even, if he needed to be criticize it is not too early.

Ona-Ara is a titanic local government and we deserve mammoth development. I use this medium to call upon Hon Akin Alabi to make his representation an effective one because as at this time we haven’t seen subset of much we can count on him and we sincerely deserve effective and equal representation. And, cumulative of his past event will be record in the book of history.
In the coming years we hope to see Akin’s name in the green book of history as we believe his remaining year in office will reflect dogmatically in Ona-Ara LG.

I’m Ridwan A Adegoke
Comr Solution
Amuloko, Ona Ara

Ìbàdàn ibi olè ti ñ jàre olóhun

Ìbàdàn ibi olè ti ñ jàre olóhun

Before you start calling Ìbàdàn people thieves because of the eulogy ìbàdàn ibi olè ti ñ jàre olóhun check this first and it will help to correct the wrong notion,idea and sentiment about the people of the great city IBADAN
The first thing I find interesting about Ibadan is the eulogy, popularly known as Oríkì.
“Ìbàdàn ile oluyole, ibi tole ti n jare olohun
Ìbàdàn omo agesin kole, ìbàdàn omo a joro sun
Ibi ole ngbe nja loju olohun. In case you have no clues about what they mean, let me help you a bit. This eulogy, by definition a speech or poetry of praise for the city, describes Ibadan as the place where the thieves are proved innocent in the presence of the owners. A land where thieves rob in royalty, actually using horses and not considering it a secret. A land where the brave make use of what is available, where thieves don’t wait till you sleep or are not around to rob. Where people are creative and can use the shell of snails to drink pap. I’m sure you can put the eulogy together yourself.
Back to current realities. In the last decades, many HYIPs have been springing up in Ibadan and the country at large, the question that I’ve regularly asked is, does this Ibadan eulogy apply? Are we going to witness a scenario where the thieves will be declared innocent and the investors fraudulent? Are people being rob without the cover of night? Are we witnessing the creativity of people doing what seems practical to survive? These questions have been very directed in my mind, but I guess we can all answer those questions.

To shed more light on the eulogy i.e. practical illustration: to those people that you were asked to invest 10k and get 20k and you did. But later in the day the company swindled your money. Sé olè ò ti jàre olóhun báyìí? Also, you that invest with them are you not a thief?.
By now you should have more understanding about the eulogy “Ìbàdàn ibi olè tí n jàre olóhun”.

In light of the above, henceforth stop calling Ìbàdàn people thieves. Ìbàdàn eulogy is for the wise thinkers and not mediocre.

Proudly Ìbàdàn Indegene .

Olúyòlé Ìbàdàn
A mo rawa

Àare Adéfisóyè, A.A. (Demmy)
Executive President, FIBSU Unilorin Chapter
Chairman, Ona-Ara Students’ Union.

ONA-ARA Students’ Union first Congress Communique.


Begin the communique of the first Congress held on the 29th May, 2020 at our WhatsApp platform, authenticate on the 30th May 2020.

The Congress started exactly 5:00pm and protocols were observed immediately, Comr Demmy was charged to direct the house and we started with an opening prayer followed by introduction. The Congress was participated by 48 students from 21 different tertiary institutions and the Congress lasted for 5hours which make the Congress ended around 10:00pm.

Comr Solution and Comr Jim Cruz explained the purpose of the Congress and the aims and objectives of the union was flat down by them.

Comr Confidence, Comr Smart and Comr Maxim gave advice and they all charged every member to bear in mind that we need to sacrifice alot for the progress of the union and the development of our land.

Comr Sowande and Comr Okediji implored every member to preach the existence of the union (OSU) across their territory.

The ground was open for the nomination of the administrative and constitution drafting committee, and, the under listed Comr were sealed to assume offices.

Administrative committee

Comr. Adefisoye Azeez Demmy
Uni Ilorin

Vice Chairman

Gen Secretary
Comr. Raifu Afeez Smart

Public Relations Officer
Adegoke Ridwan Solution

Comr Adeyemo Hameed Meader
The Polytechnic Ibadan

Director of Mobilization
Comr Oluwemimo Solomon Confidence

Director of Welfare
Comr Olukunmi Damilola

Ass Gen Sec
Sowande Ayomide

Constitution Drafting Committee

Comr Adepoju Sarafadeen Maxim
Nigeria law school

Comr Moradeyo Ifedayo Jim Cruz

Public Relations officer
Comr Okedeji Akinwumi

Comr Olayiwola Adekunle


On the 30th May 2020, 31 of the 48 participants of the congress came to authenticate the existence of the union by appending their signature as agreed during the congress. Expected people started coming from 10:32am and the last person that came signed exactly 1:40pm and those that were unable to attend, gave reasons, followed by apology.

Comr Adefisoye Azezz demmy

Comr Raifu Afeez smart
Gen sec

Delivered by
Comr Adegoke Ridwan Solution



I’m drawn aback to chains, sitting deep in the four walls of this isolated lonliness
Under this chaos you berthed, again in distraught following the white man rules.
I need to breathe in the skies and feel alive as I am a wanderer for my daily meal.
Locked up, locked up, stay within the walls
I’m unsafe even still.

Pandominum, the leaves are dried up on this lonely path
The birds of man no longer land on our roofs
Yet, I fight, locked up, locked up, stay within the walls
Alas! Hunger comes in to me like a couple, birthing a different kind of disease without this birds of man
How do I forge on?

Locked up, locked up, my fellow birds of man, my country man with no regard
For its fellow skin tone,
Yet, we are prisoners in this we haven’t seen a single patient from this white man babies.

Locked up, locked up, yet money flying around the crooked government, yet our share is paid to us by our ears and seen with eyes, how do we feed? Isn’t that another disease that can’t be cured!

The walls of this country are deaf,
Evil man doers carrying tools at midnight,
Unrest and chaos, starving the impoverished of the excess poverty they posses
How do we find a cure in a nation of poor stricken birds of man?

Dear Bird of man, this is a cry from a dying bird to a bigger eagle, save what’s left and shine thy light for the ominiscnet sees myself and you.

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