I’m drawn aback to chains, sitting deep in the four walls of this isolated lonliness
Under this chaos you berthed, again in distraught following the white man rules.
I need to breathe in the skies and feel alive as I am a wanderer for my daily meal.
Locked up, locked up, stay within the walls
I’m unsafe even still.

Pandominum, the leaves are dried up on this lonely path
The birds of man no longer land on our roofs
Yet, I fight, locked up, locked up, stay within the walls
Alas! Hunger comes in to me like a couple, birthing a different kind of disease without this birds of man
How do I forge on?

Locked up, locked up, my fellow birds of man, my country man with no regard
For its fellow skin tone,
Yet, we are prisoners in this we haven’t seen a single patient from this white man babies.

Locked up, locked up, yet money flying around the crooked government, yet our share is paid to us by our ears and seen with eyes, how do we feed? Isn’t that another disease that can’t be cured!

The walls of this country are deaf,
Evil man doers carrying tools at midnight,
Unrest and chaos, starving the impoverished of the excess poverty they posses
How do we find a cure in a nation of poor stricken birds of man?

Dear Bird of man, this is a cry from a dying bird to a bigger eagle, save what’s left and shine thy light for the ominiscnet sees myself and you.

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