FODEI disburses #960,000 Non-Interest and Non-qualateral Loan to Ona-Ara Indigenes for business.

FODEI is a Non-governmental Organization with the sole aim of helping and empowering the people of Ona-Ara Local Government in all ramifications of life. In the bid of helping people, FODEI disburses a non qualateral and non interest loan to thirteen people (13) today(31st Oct., 2020) at her head office in Ona-Ara and a totalContinue reading “FODEI disburses #960,000 Non-Interest and Non-qualateral Loan to Ona-Ara Indigenes for business.”

FODEI disburses Money to Ona-Ara Indigenes for business.

FODEI disburses Money to Ona-Ara Indigenes for business. FODEI is a Non-governmental Organization with the sole aim of helping and empowering the people of Ona-Ara Local Government in all ramifications of life. In the bid of helping people, FODEI disburses a non qualateral and non interest loan to thirteen people (13) today(31st Oct., 2020) atContinue reading “FODEI disburses Money to Ona-Ara Indigenes for business.”


The leadership of NASELS Southwest region under Comr. AbdulAzeez AbdulMaleek, felicitates with Professor Akinwvande Oluwole Soyinka as he marks his 86th birthday. Wole Soyinka is a Nigerian playwright, critic, teacher, thinker, author, actor, political activist, art collector, poet, essayist, grammarian, humorist, reservoir of knowledge, and a Nobel Laureate. He is among the contemporary Africa’s greatestContinue reading “NASELS SOUTH WEST FELICITATE PROF WOLE SOYINKA AS HE CELEBRATES HIS 86TH BIRTHDAY➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖”

Ona-Ara Deserves Effective Representation: Akin Alabi, A Year In Office and our demand

Ona-Ara Deserves Effective Representation: Akin Alabi, A Year In Office and our demand. In days to come, Hon. Akin Alabi of APC will celebrate a year in office as the Hon representing Ona Ara/Egbeda federal constituency. As such, I join numerous number of people in congratulating him. It’s a year we the good people ofContinue reading “Ona-Ara Deserves Effective Representation: Akin Alabi, A Year In Office and our demand”

Ìbàdàn ibi olè ti ñ jàre olóhun

Ìbàdàn ibi olè ti ñ jàre olóhun Before you start calling Ìbàdàn people thieves because of the eulogy ìbàdàn ibi olè ti ñ jàre olóhun check this first and it will help to correct the wrong notion,idea and sentiment about the people of the great city IBADANThe first thing I find interesting about Ibadan isContinue reading “Ìbàdàn ibi olè ti ñ jàre olóhun”

ONA-ARA Students’ Union first Congress Communique.

ONA-ARA STUDENTS’ UNION Begin the communique of the first Congress held on the 29th May, 2020 at our WhatsApp platform, authenticate on the 30th May 2020. The Congress started exactly 5:00pm and protocols were observed immediately, Comr Demmy was charged to direct the house and we started with an opening prayer followed by introduction. TheContinue reading “ONA-ARA Students’ Union first Congress Communique.”


BY: RAIFU AFEEZ SMART et GBENGA-KAREEM AYOOLA I’m drawn aback to chains, sitting deep in the four walls of this isolated lonlinessUnder this chaos you berthed, again in distraught following the white man rules.I need to breathe in the skies and feel alive as I am a wanderer for my daily meal.Locked up, locked up,Continue reading “AGONY OF A FELLOW COUNTRY MAN (II)”

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